
Nutritional Therapy with Vega Testing
A detailed evaluation to establish your nutrition needs, includes test with Vega Machine.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow.

Metabolic Typing
Did you know that you are actually very different, biochemically speaking, from every other person who ever was or ever will be? It’s true. Your body’s biochemical makeup is as unique as your fingerprints!
Nutritional Therapy Consultation
A detailed evaluation and completion of a questionnaire will establish your own nutritional requirements. Further laboratory testing is available if required or deemed necessary. Care will be taken to ensure treatment is as compatible to your lifestyle as possible. However, it is important to realise that you must be self-motivated and be prepared to make dietary changes.
Following your initial consultation your dietary regime and details will be advised to you. Subsequent follow up appointments if necessary will monitor the progress of your treatment.
Results may not be immediately apparent. Conditions of disease or illness do not arise overnight and conversely may therefore take some time to resolve completely (especially as some people may already have undergone months of other treatments). Nevertheless, in many cases improvements will be noticed very quickly although it is an occasional possibility that you may experience an initial worsening of the condition.
Following your treatment, ongoing support will be provided.
Nutritional Therapy Consultation including Vega Test
A detailed evaluation and completion of a questionnaire will establish your own nutritional requirements which will be considered alongside any results of the Vega test.
The Vega machine (known as “Wega” in Germany) is a medically approved method developed by scientists in Germany. It measures Electro acupuncture points to gain information about internal bodily processes. The procedure is painless and non-invasive.
More information about the latest Vega test machines can be found at: wegamedtestexpert
Following your consultation recommendations will be made for dietary changes and supplements and details will be emailed to you.
Following your treatment, ongoing support will be provided; subsequent follow up appointments can monitor the progress of your treatment and further laboratory testing is available if required or deemed necessary.
For the appointment wear normal clothes and jewellery. For three days before the test it is best to not take any remedies which are not necessary. You may bring along any substance or material that you think may be causing your health problem.
Note. The Vega test is not a medical diagnosis. If you have a serious health problem you should consult your doctor for a diagnosis. If you are taking steroid medication it may not be possible to obtain results with the Vega machine; blood testing is an alternative test you could have for allergies and intolerances.
Vega testing is available in clinic and cannot be completed as part of a remote video consultation.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow. This stimulates the lymphatic vessels which carry substances vital to the defence of the body and removes waste products. The first visit will include a consultation during which the therapist will recommend the number and frequency of future sessions. Each session will last approximately one hour. Where appropriate the therapist will work in conjunction with your medical practitioner.
What are the benefits?
MLD is both preventative and remedial and can enhance your well being. Furthermore, MLD:
is deeply relaxing
promotes the healing of fractures, torn ligaments, sprains and lessens pain.
can improve many chronic conditions: sinusitus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, acne and other skin conditions.
may strengthen the immune system.
relieves fluid congestion: swollen ankles, tired puffy eyes and swollen legs due to pregnancy.
is an effective component of the treatment and control of lymphoedema and assists in conditions arising from venous insufficiency.
promotes healing of wounds and burns and improves the appearance of old scars.
minimises or reduces stretch marks.
The History
During the early 1930’s Dr. Emil Vodder created a unique range of movements which brought relief from chronic conditions such as sinus congestion and catarrh. Since Vodder’s pioneering work, MLD has spread world wide and has become a popular treatment in many European hospitals and clinics. It is now beginning to gain acceptance in the UK as a component in the treatment and control of lymphoedema.
Metabolic Typing
Did you know that you are actually very different, biochemically speaking, from every other person who ever was or ever will be? It’s true. Your body’s biochemical makeup is as unique as your fingerprints!
For genetic reasons, we’re all very different in the way that our bodies process foods and utilize nutrients. Throughout man’s evolutionary history, people all over the world have been forced to adapt to widely varying environmental circumstances – including very different climates and food supplies.
As an example, traditional Eskimos thrive on very large quantities of meat and fat, while people born in the tropics stay healthy eating fruits and grains and other light vegetarian fare. For decades, scientists have observed that people who eat according to their genetically based dietary needs have virtually no incidence of cancer, heart disease, or any other degenerative ailments.
Metabolic Typing is a customised diet based upon your unique bodily needs.
Healthexcel’s Metabolic Typing is an easy-to-use, proven technology that allows you to rapidly identify your own highly individualized dietary needs. This extraordinary technology represents the combined efforts of some of this century’s leading medical researchers – people who are well known for pioneering achievements in nutritional science.
Now you can benefit from this simple system to identify your metabolic type. Then you’ll know how to select just the right “body fuel,” – foods, food combinations and nutrients – that will enable your body to function at peak efficiency. With this leading edge dietary technology you may:
Prevent and reverse chronic illness
Optimize your physical energy and your mental clarity
Lose weight naturally and maintain your ideal weight
Strengthen immunity
Slow down the aging process
Enhance athletic performance
Overcome mood swings, cravings and depression
Poor health is a direct result of dietary deficiencies and imbalances. These problems persist because we have lacked the technology necessary to evaluate and correct nutritional problems on a case-by-case basis. Dietary solutions need to be tailored to individuals, because what works for one person may have no effect on another person, and may make a third person worse.
But that technology is here at last in the form of Metabolic Type Testing. Now you can look and feel far better than you ever thought possible.
What does metabolic typing involve?
Metabolic typing is method that provides a customised diet based upon a person’s unique individual bodily needs. This means that better results are gained than through using other diets which don’t take individuality into account. Metabolic typing acts to strengthen the weakened parts of a person’s metabolism, thereby balancing the body and promoting health. It achieves this through providing guidelines of appropriate foods to eat and recommends the proportions for each individual client. It is a long-term health-based programme. (If you are looking for a short-term quick fix, then this is not for you, although certain immediate benefits can be gained from metabolic typing). It involves the following:
The advanced metabolic typing assessment: This is a detailed online questionnaire based upon physical, dietary and psychological traits. It identifies a person’s metabolic type, and provides information of the type of foods best suit the individual.
The results report: This provides important nutritional and lifestyle guidelines and recommendations for a client’s individual needs, and information on how to follow the metabolic typing programme.
A diet sheet: This lists over 300 foods to choose from, and provides guidelines and help on how to devise your own meal plans.
Email correspondence: Due to the fine-tuning nature of the method and the long-term approach used, regular email correspondence ensures higher motivation and greater success.
Re-assessments are generally initially recommended every 6 to 12 months, depending on the needs of each client.
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