About Me

Photo by Andreea Ch from Pexels

I have been practicing as a Nutritional Therapist since 1999, although my interest in nutrition goes back a long way before this time.

As a child I was extremely sickly; my mother was back and forth to the doctors surgery so many times she was branded an over anxious mother and offered Valium! She knew however that I did have something wrong which the doctors were unable to identify. It had started when I was a baby with projectile vomiting and serious sleep problems. I had developed into a hyperactive (not recognised then), very sneezy, clumsy child who went down with every infection going.

Let down by the medical profession, my mother turned to complementary therapies. At age 11, I was diagnosed with food allergies, caused by a ‘leaky gut’ resulting from the introduction of solids at two weeks old (as advised to my mother by her midwife). By this stage I was also malnourished and suffering with hypoglycemia.

After following a strict diet and supplement programme I became a well person; my health and behaviour improving dramatically. So I have grown up with the real knowledge of how much what we eat affects our health.

Later in life I took a job in a health food shop, and I realised just how many natural remedies there are for all health problems. Inspired, I enrolled on a training course to gain my diploma in nutrition. Along the way I also qualified as a massage therapist, as I believe that a holistic practitioner should not look at the body from one angle only.

As I have got older good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle have served me well. I have great sleep and abundant energy which enables me to fit in tennis, running, yoga, weight training and caring for my allotment around my work. With the exception of the occasional injury related issue I have not visited a doctor for years. In addition I have brought up my children without antibiotics and with an appreciation for healthy food and a natural lifestyle (even if they don’t always embrace it quite as much as I would like!).
I am passionate about good nutrition for health and I truly believe that most people could improve their quality of life just by making simple dietary changes and taking better care of their bodies.