Online Booking
By clicking on the button below, you can now book appointments for Nutritional Consultations with Vega Testing online. Within one week of booking I will send an email to provide more information about the appointment and a questionnaire for you to complete. Please check your junk/spam email folder if you haven’t received my email.
If you are booking an appointment for a child, please include the child’s name in the notes section when you enter your details to complete the booking.
Please contact me directly if you need a specific time slot, have more complex requirements or want to discuss how I can help you before you book.
Privacy Policy
By clicking on the booking link you consent to providing your data on a separate online booking website (Square Appointments).
The data you provide on the booking website will be used to process your booking request, take payment, inform and remind you of your booking. Your data will be processed in accordance with this privacy policy.
Information collected: Mobile Phone Number, Email, Name, Optional appointment note.
Upon booking Square will automatically create an account for you with Square Appointments. You can sign back into see your appointment using your mobile phone number at any time.
By creating this appointment, you agree to receive automated transactional email and text messages regarding your appointment.
At any time you can make a request to see or delete your data held in the online booking website.
Cookie Management
The online booking system uses cookies (and similar technologies) for many purposes, including maintaining security, improving and customising services, and enabling relevant marketing. The booking website enables you to accept use of cookies and to accept or reject non-essential cookies.
Cancellation Policy
I do not make a cancellation charge. However if you cancel at short notice or do not arrive for your appointment I will lose income and other customers will wait longer that necessary for an appointment.
Therefore please let me know as soon as possible if you cannot attend.