Your Health in 2022:

‘You can’t go back and make a new start but you can start from here and make a new end’
Your state of health has a huge effect on your level of happiness. Its importance is often underestimated and neglected until symptoms start to seriously impact your quality of life.
Wherever you find yourself at the start of 2022 it is never too late (or too early) to focus on improving your health. Here I list some ways to get started:

After the indulgences of Christmas many people are keen to start eating better. Increasing your intake of fresh food is a good place to start. Make sure that you always have fresh vegetables and salad in the fridge but resolve never to waste any of these. Make soups and stews by adding lentils or beans and herbs. Roast veg and mix with passata to have with brown rice or lentil pasta. Or make curries with chickpeas and lots of spices. If you are short of time perhaps try a recipe box to help you to cook from scratch with fresh foods every day.

Make sure that you drink plenty of water (ideally filtered) and herbal teas. Herbal teas can be very therapeutic if you buy quality brands – the herbs can help with digestion, sleep, immunity etc.

Cut out or back on sugar, processed foods, caffeine and alcohol. These are simple things that you already know are important but sometimes hard to put into practice. If you struggle with mind-set have a look at the hypnotherapy and guided meditation audios which cover a range of topics on this website:

Timing of meals is also important. The digestive system needs time to rest between meals so avoid grazing over the day. If you are getting hungry (rumbling stomach or craving for foods) in between meals it suggests that your meals are not meeting your requirements in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Many people eat high carb meals that are low in protein and good fats and these may not support your metabolic function. Try increasing vegetables and quality proteins and fats whilst decreasing the carbohydrate content of your meal to see if you feel satisfied for longer with this. Also work on finishing your food intake after dinner (and ideally before 7pm). Have only herbal teas after this and don’t eat again until breakfast (ideally a gap of at least 13 hours). You may need to work on this but gradually your body will adapt and will be more metabolically efficient.


You are the most important person in your life. So if you put yourself at the back of the queue behind family and work resolve to make changes. Keeping your body active is crucial for good health. Try to get outside every day for a short walk preferably in the morning light. Also try to get into a regular routine at home of yoga for 10 minutes every day or a few times a week. If you have not done yoga before there are plenty of short video classes on YouTube to get you started.

As we get older strength training will slow the ageing process and support hormone levels. You don’t have to go to the gym though if time is short or it’s not your thing – a pair of dumbbells and YouTube videos are all you need (although if you have not done anything like this before I do advise a couple of sessions with a personal trainer). If time allows schedule in a day where you can book a treatment such as massage or a course of reflexology.

Make sure that you get to bed at a regular time as without good sleep your health can never be great. If you struggle to sleep you may find that the changes to diet and lifestyle listed above will help. Also consider herbs or nutrients to support sleep.


There is such a wide array of supplements available that it can be difficult to know what you should take. However quality supplements are very therapeutic and can really enhance your health. Ideally seek help from a qualified Nutritional Therapist for advice on what you will benefit from.

However one thing that everyone can do is to test Vitamin D levels and ensure that you have optimum amounts. You can purchase a Vitamin D test here: (or ask your GP to test you). You need to have a Vitamin D level of around 100-120 nmol/L. If the result is below 75 supplement to get your level up to optimum even if you are told this is adequate or normal. The importance of Vitamin D cannot be underestimated: It is vital for healthy immune function, gut health, blood lipid levels, blood sugar control, heart health and more.

The mineral Magnesium can be used topically and will help with sleep, headaches or migraines, hormonal issues and asthma. If you are not eating oily fish or nuts and seeds then you will benefit from a quality omega 3 supplement.

Vitamin C is good to have on hand to take at first signs of a cold, Covid or any other viral or bacterial infection. Using high doses of Vitamin C (nearly all other mammals manufacture their own in times of need but humans are unable to do this) will shorten the duration and severity of illness. You can combine it with herbs, mushrooms and other supplements (such as zinc and selenium) to support immunity.

B vitamins taken as a complex will support energy levels, hormone balance and mood.

Digestion can be improved with enzymes and probiotics are important not just for digestive health but for the health of the whole body.

Avoiding Toxins

So many things that we are exposed to on a daily basis are hindering our body’s efforts to maintain good health. Look at your toiletries, make up, sanitary products, fragrances and cleaning products. Switching to natural brands will not only help your health but help the environment too.

You can also support your body to clear unavoidable toxins (such as pollution) by making sure elimination pathways are working well. Dietary fibre (and supplements of this if necessary) to ensure good bowel function; liver supportive foods (beetroot, celery, berries and cruciferous vegetables) and avoiding unnecessary medications (such as Paracetamol) which further burden the liver will all be helpful.

If you have a diagnosed health problem please do book an appointment for more individual advice and functional testing, however all of the above recommendations will have a beneficial effect. Above all remember to be kind to yourself and your body as you deserve to be healthy and happy.

See the Natural Dispensary for some of the supplements discussed above and natural toiletries can be purchased from here too – also see links below. Up to 15% discount for clients only – code available on request. 

Please get in touch if you would like any additional supplement advice:








For extra discount on the products below order direct from Nutri Advanced using the discount code ‘Linda10


