Magnesium - Are you getting enough?
Magnesium is a mineral required by our bodies for good health. In an ideal world we would obtain sufficient magnesium from our diet but more and more scientific research is showing that this is not possible.
Magnesium is a mineral found in leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans. However magnesium content in vegetables has seen declines from 25-80% since pre – 1950 figures (due to depletion of this mineral in soil), and typical grain refining processes remove 80-95% of total magnesium. As magnesium is required by the body in larger amounts than some other minerals it is easy to see that achieving an optimum amount from diet is difficult. This is especially true when looking at an average British diet which often contains very little in the way of the magnesium rich foods listed above. Add to this the fact that stress, exercise, alcohol consumption and some medications increase the need for magnesium.
Low magnesium status in the body is associated with poor sleep, poor stress tolerance, restless legs, headaches/migraines, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular problems including high blood pressure and chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition studies have shown that children (and adults) with ADHD are deficient in magnesium and therefore supplementation can have a calming effect.
Magnesium is needed for about 350 different chemical processes within the body and magnesium status is highly associated with stress levels. Stress and low magnesium will potentiate each other’s negative effects.

Magnesium is also vital for energy production and this is especially relevant for those who exercise regularly. Despite its many benefits exercise puts the body under physical stress and therefore increases the need for magnesium. Sweating causes loss of magnesium which is water soluble and can lead to heat stroke and muscle cramps. Magnesium aids post exercise recovery by improving metabolic efficiency, oxygen consumption and the heart rate needed to perform at a high level. Therefore adequate magnesium levels are crucial for peak exercise performance and recovery.
World class athletes have used magnesium supplementation with great success to prevent heat exhaustion and muscle cramps; one research study on swimmers showed that magnesium supplementation led to an 86% reduction in muscle cramps.
Magnesium supplements are available in many different formats depending on whether you are targeting specific symptoms or general health. Remember though that supplements will be most effective when used in conjunction with diet and lifestyle changes.
Improving dietary intake of magnesium with a varied healthy diet, limiting intake of alcohol, sugar and coffee and working on stress reduction techniques are very important for your overall health.
There are a number of great magnesium supplements that I regularly recommend available from the Natural Dispensary – see links below. Up to 15% discount for clients only – code available on request.
MegaMag Muscleze – Great for Restless legs and Fibromyalgia type symptoms.
Triple Magnesium Complex – A quality combination supplement to increase the amount of magnesium absorbed by utilising multiple magnesium uptake pathways. Split dosing 3 times daily, avoids exceeding the rate at which each form of magnesium can be absorbed.
Ancient Magnesium Ultra with OptiMSM – Topical magnesium is great for use after exercise or before bed and it’s impossible to over dose – good if you prefer not to have to swallow a lot of pills (this brand also have a lovely magnesium body lotion, body butter and bath flakes).
MegaMag Calmez Chamomile – Particularly good for stress and to help with sleep.
Magnesium Taurate – Taurate form is particularly good for cardiovascular health.