24 ways to support your immune system:

  1. Make natural foods (especially vegetables, fruit, legumes and wholegrains) the foundation for your diet and especially brightly coloured vegetables and fruit for antioxidant benefits.

2. Eat good fats from nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and oily fish.

3. Eat quality protein from plants (legumes, nuts, seeds, soy, quinoa) and if you eat animal proteins make sure they come from ethical and sustainable sources (eggs, meat, fish).

4. Include daily fibre – fresh raw fruit and vegetables, also organic oats, beans and lentils.

5. Avoid sugar and all refined processed forms of carbohydrates (cakes, biscuits, sweets, white bread) as these will suppress immune function. Home-made healthy alternatives can be eaten instead.

6. Garlic and Shitake mushrooms will boost immunity. Other mushrooms can be taken in supplement form as can garlic if you don’t like the taste. Here’s 3 suggestions from the Natural Dispensary (use code ‘linda‘ at the checkout for a discount on your order):




7. Make sure that you have a healthy gut microbiome as 70-80% of our immune system is located in the gut. I suggest Ultibio_Immune

8. Avoid dairy (especially from cows) as it has mucus forming effects.

9. Avoid or strictly limit alcohol, it suppresses the immune system.

10. Drink 1-2 litres of water or herbal teas each day. Limit black tea and coffee and avoid fizzy drinks.

11. Ensure (through testing) that your Vitamin D level is at 100-120. If not (and this is likely if you have not been supplementing) take a quality supplement at a therapeutic level for 6 weeks (ideally then retest) and then take a maintenance dose. A good supplement to rey would be DLux_3000

12. Selenium is important for anti-body production. Some in organic brazil nuts (non-organic brazil nuts are grown in China where soil is low in selenium). A supplement will ensure optimum intake.

13. Zinc is important for white blood cell function – found in fish, nuts and organic seeds. Again a supplement will ensure adequate intake especially if your diet is low in these foods. Two supplement suggestions:



14. Vitamin C in fresh raw fruit and vegetables. When the body is under attack from bacteria or a virus vitamin C from food will be unable to meet demand so a high dose supplement will speed recovery. (Did you know that only humans and guinea pigs are unable to manufacture Vitamin C in the body? Other animals have the ability to produce huge amounts when they have an infection). Try:


15. Herbal teas such as ginger, sage, thyme, Echinacea, elderberry, turmeric, chamomile, Cat’s Claw, Pau D’arco and Andrographis will all boost immune function and help to fight off viruses and infections. Three great teas are:




16. Phytonutrients in raw honey have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that can help to boost your immune system and fight sickness. Choose quality honey such as certified Jarrah, Red Gum and Manuka honeys have proven effects whereas cheaper supermarket honey is unlikely to be of benefit.

Nectahive.com (use discount code LINNUT30)

17. Exercise regularly – mix aerobic with strength training and calming stretching exercise to release feel good endorphins and stimulate lymphatic system for optimum immune function. Don’t over train however as this can lower immunity – allow adequate rest and recovery time. Yoga, meditation and visualisation can be used to decrease immune supressing stress hormones.

18. If possible (in Covid times) get regular treatments from professional therapists – massage, reflexology, acupuncture and similar therapies will also help with relaxation and reduction in immune suppressing stress hormones.

19. Dry skin brushing will also stimulate lymphatic system to help immune function. Get a daily dose of natural light (ideally in the morning) and sunshine if possible. This is a great Skin_Brush

20. Pay attention to oral health. More and more research is finding a line between the health of the oral microbiome and the health of the rest of the body. Two products for oral health:



21. Avoid toxins and chemicals in the home and workplace as much as possible – use natural cleaning products and toiletries. Limit exposure to screens and electromagnetic pollution as much as you can.

22. Laugh! Positive emotions boost the immune system.

23. The power of good sleep cannot be underestimated for the effect on our overall health and immunity. These may help with a good night’s sleep:



24. Work at becoming emotionally hardy – take control of your life, know that you govern your future, not others. Be committed to live – show interest, curiosity and interact with people and society. Challenge yourself, look at impending change not as a threat, but a positive challenge to be met and overcome leading naturally to personal growth and development.

If you are interested in any of the products listed above, up to 15% discount for clients only – code available on request.