Relief From Migraine:

This week is Migraine Awareness Week and you may be interested to read the press release I received from Better You. It’s about a 15-year-old who turned to super mineral magnesium to aid with his restless legs – but didn’t expect the positive impact that supplementing magnesium had on his chronic migraines.

Magnesium therapy: could it be the answer to migraine relief?

Turning to magnesium to aid with restless legs, Barnaby was delighted that the mineral helped in another life-changing way

Having suffered with restless legs and migraines for as long as he can remember, 15-year-old Barnaby Albiston, from South London, has shared his secret to relief from life-long discomfort – by boosting his magnesium levels.

Barnaby’s mum, Diana Albiston, said: “Barnaby has suffered with restless legs for most of his life, even as a baby when he slept in a sleeping bag (which is meant to be the safest sleeping option) his active legs would lift up and over, and the whole sleeping bag would cover his face.

“Getting to sleep has always been the main problem, Barnaby just has the urge to move his legs all the time. We tried tiring him out during the day, various relaxation techniques such as massaging lavender scented lotion into his legs and buying short pyjamas as well as a lighter duvet – but nothing helped.”

After reading an article in the newspaper recounting how magnesium may help with restless legs and that the best way to administer it is externally, through the skin, Diana purchased BetterYou’s Magnesium Sensitive Body Spray, followed by the Magnesium Oil Body Spray.

“We had never used magnesium products before, so we started with the sensitive spray. It is easy to apply and rub in and Barnaby’s not at all bothered about having oil on his legs, but it soaks in quickly anyway.

“Since using the spray, Barnaby has been able to resist the temptation to move his legs in bed and while we bought the spray to help with restless legs, we didn’t expect the positive impact it had on Barnaby’s migraines”, says Diana.

“I first recognised Barnaby was experiencing migraines when he was five years old, but I think they started much younger. Due to the sickness that accompanied the migraines, I just thought he had picked up bugs and it was difficult for him to tell me how he was feeling, because he is profoundly deaf and didn’t start speaking until much later in life.

“It was only when the migraines started following a pattern that Barnaby was able to tell me what he was experiencing. They don’t always present themselves in the same way, but symptoms can include extreme tiredness, nausea or sickness, fluctuation of temperature and sensitivity to light.

“We try to avoid migraines starting and have begun to recognise some of the triggers for Barnaby including; disturbed or lack of sleep, keeping away from flashing lights and no long and tiring days out, as well as minimising distance to travel and not socialising with large groups of people”, Diana continues. 

“Two weeks after we started applying the magnesium spray to Barnaby’s legs, it hit us that he hadn’t had a migraine in that time. We have now been using the spray for just over two years and Barnaby’s migraines have dropped from two a week, to one every two months.

“The considerable decrease in Barnaby’s migraine episodes means that we can afford to make plans more confidently, rather than thinking in the back of our minds that any plans we make are likely to be cut-short or cancelled.

“We would definitely recommend BetterYou’s magnesium body sprays, we like the fact that they are easy to apply and there is no smell at all. As Barnaby now relates the smell of lavender with ‘trying to get to sleep’, it seems to have an adverse effect, so unscented products are ideal for us”, concludes Diana.

Clinical studies have shown that migraine sufferers have low brain magnesium during migraine attacks and may also suffer from magnesium deficiency.

Low levels of this powerful mineral are estimated to affect around 70 per cent of people, so it’s important to find ways to increase levels within the body and supplementing can help.

Magnesium is a mineral that is difficult to supplement through traditional oral means, such as tablets and capsules. As it is a natural relaxant, too much can have a laxative effect.

Studies have shown that supplementing magnesium transdermally (through the skin), provides a highly effective and convenient method of elevating magnesium levels within the body. Applied directly to the skin, absorption of magnesium commences immediately, helping to promote natural relaxation.

You can purchase the Better You sprays from . Up to 15% discount for clients only – code available on request. 

Be aware that migraines may also be triggered by food intolerance, if you are a sufferer please get in touch for a consultation and Vega testing. Restless legs can also be triggered by food intolerances or may be caused by inflammation so a consultation can help for this too.